ONLINE EVENT – Sep. 5-6, 2024
About the Symposium
The 4th Transatlantic ECI GPCR symposium is a 2-day symposium organized by, and organized for early career investigators (ECIs) exploring the fascinating world of GPCRs. The symposium seeks to promote collaboration among early-career scientists in the GPCR field and to transfer the experience of more established researchers to ECIs to guide their future careers.
→ 2 keynote speakers
→ 15 oral presentations by ECIs in four ECI sessions
→ 2 interactive lunch sessions with GPCR leaders in different focus areas
→ 2 interactive poster sessions
→ posters & accompanying short video presentation accessible throughout the symposium week
Strasbourg/Illkirch, France – Oct. 25-27, 2023
3rd I-GPRCnet International Meeting
3-day hybrid event held at the University of Strasbourg, France
→ 190 on-site attendees
→ 98 online attendees
→ 29 oral presentations
→ On-site and online posters, 7 online poster videos
ONLINE EVENT – Sep. 7-8, 2023
3rd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium
→ 254 online attendees
→ 2 keynote speakers
→ 15 presentations by ECIs in four ECI sessions
→ 2 interactive lunch sessions with GPCR leaders in different focus areas
→ 2 interactive poster sessions
→ posters & accompanying short video presentation accessible throughout the symposium week
ONLINE EVENT – Feb. 20 – Mar. 3, 2023
Two weeks of online training led by over 30 international experts and early career investigators for deeper insights into the use of biophysics, biosensors and genome editing for GPCR research
→ 95 online attendees
ONLINE EVENT – Jul. 6-7, 2022
2nd Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium
→ 227 online attendees
→ 2 keynote speakers
→ 15 presentations by ECIs in four ECI sessions
→ 2 interactive lunch sessions with GPCR leaders in different focus areas
→ 2 interactive poster sessions
→ posters & accompanying short video presentation accessible throughout the symposium week
ONLINE EVENT – Mar. 28-31, 2022
6th ERNEST Meeting
4-day event that brought together internationally renowned scientists as well as early career researchers from all over the world. It served as a global platform for researchers from academia and industry to interact and discuss the latest scientific findings, innovations and technologies in the field of cellular signaling.
→ 251 online attendees
→ 51 presentations
→ 2 keynote speakers
→ 3 online poster sessions with 21 poster presenters
→ Wonder networking room for the GPCR community
ONLINE EVENT – Mar. 1-2, 2022
Biophysics of the Brain
2-day event organized for the University of Bern, Switzerland
→ 189 international online attendees
→ 23 presentations
→ 10 online poster presenters
→ Wonder networking room
ONLINE EVENT – Dec. 15, 2021
ERNEST Mapping Group
1-day symposium of talks, activities and discussions.
Speakers and Chairs from EU universities offered courses, workshops and interactive tools to work on creating a signaling map.
ONLINE EVENT – Nov. 30 – Dec. 2, 2021
1st i-GPCRnet International (Online) Meeting
4-day event organized in collaboration with Université Paris-Saclay, France, MDC Berlin, Germany, University of Nottingham, UK, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
→ 350 international online attendees
→ 32 presentations
→ 4 keynote speakers
→ 7 flash presentation sessions
ONLINE EVENT – Oct. 26-27, 2021
International Symposium on Cellular Structural Biology & Bioimaging
2-day event organized for the Paul Scherer Institute, Switzerland
→ 230 international online attendees
→ 28 presentations
→ 10 online poster presenters
→ Wonder networking room
ONLINE EVENT – Oct. 20, 2021
Transatlantic Climate Bridge 2021
2-hour live-streamed event, organized for the German Consulate General of Vancouver, BC, Canada
Greener Cities – Better Food?
Climate-Friendly Urban Food Systems for the cities of Dortmund, Vancouver, BC and Pittsburgh
→ 88 live viewers
→ 6 panelists from Canada, Germany and the U.S.
→ Presentations and discussions around urban farming, sustainable development, and economic transformation
→ Talks from German Consul General Dr. Klaus Otto Schmidt, U.S. Consul General Brent Hardt, Vancouver (BC) City Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung, Pittsburgh (PA) Mayor Bill Peduto, and Dr. Martin Frick, Deputy of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Food System Summit 2021
→ Public live stream on YouTube
→ Wonder networking room
Bari, Italy – Oct. 4-8, 2021
5th ERNEST Conference
5-day international hybrid event organized in collaboration with the University of Bari, Italy
(3 days of presentations, 2 days of workshops)
→ 150 online attendees
→ 120 on-site attendees
→ 15 on-site presenters
→ 24 online presenters
→ 1 keynote speaker
→ 49 poster videos streamed on-site and online in 3 poster sessions
→ On-site and virtual networking
ONLINE EVENT – July 8, 2021
1st Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium
→ 537 registered participants
→ 2 keynote speakers
→ 10 presentations in 3 ECI sessions
→ 4 presentations by 4 senior GPCR experts
→ Interactive lunch session with 22 GPCR leaders in different focus areas
→ 71 virtual posters
ONLINE EVENT – June 4, 2021
Virtual Symposium: GPCRs in Oncology & Immuno-Oncology
Organized for IRIC | Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada
Chaired by IRIC CEO Michel Bouvier, this virtual symposium showcased some of the latest discoveries and techniques leveraging the potential of GPCRs in these crucial fields.
→ 348 registered online attendees
→ 4 presenters
→ Networking