ERNEST Mapping Group Symposium – December 15, 2021

Join leading European experts from the signaling mapping group in this one-day scientific virtual event funded by ERNEST Cost Action.

Keynote: Graham Ladds (University of Cambridge): How to link experimental data with mathematical modeling

Small Molecule Modulators: Dominique Sydow (Charité Berlin, Germany) teaches TeachOpenCADD

Workshop Session: Romain Yvinec (Biology & Bioinformatics of Signalling Systems (Université de Tours, IFCE)

Panel Discussion

How should a signaling map look like, what resources do we need, and how can we connect existing resources?

Speakers from the University of Cambridge in the UK, University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, University of Copenhagen, University of Athens, Charité Berlin, Université de Tours, Université de Paris, and the University in Münster in Germany.